Blockchain Energy Metering solution

Bringing Blockchain to the energy sector

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Web Designer 100%
Web Designer 100%

Tokenized Energy Units

Track your Energy usage on-chain every time your power is on. We give you the control you never had on your energy billing. 

Realtime Monitoring

Transparent Consumption

Trade your token

Lockup your token

Energy Metrics for Energy Providers

Energy Metrics

ClearVolt’s platform empowers energy providers with real-time monitoring of customer consumption patterns and insightful analytics. This enables informed decisions and efficient energy distribution, helping providers avoid deficits and reduce costs. With ClearVolt, energy providers gain better control over production and meet demand effectively.

Blockchain Meter

cVolt, our hardware wallet  is a metering system that stores energy token and allows users to handle their token as in any normal web3 wallet. You can stake, swap and even send funds. 
Most importantly you can burn your tokens for energy consumption and monitor the transaction on-chain.  

Platform in progress

Our exciting project is in development. Kindly, subscribe and be the first to know when we launch.

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